Monday, November 19, 2012

Holy Scriptures Diet

Yesterday, one of my favorite prayers was the appointed Collect of the Day at the Eucharist:
Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen
            Like nearly every American, I have been on a diet over the years.  I learned ways to eat well but in moderation.  You could say that I strive to be on a healthy diet.  We have some idea of what it is to hear the Scriptures, or read and learn from them.  What does it mean to inwardly digest them?  That indeed is the core element of a spiritual diet.
            A spiritual diet is essential to one’s well-being.  In my youth, I heard the Scriptures read aloud in worship.  But I never read them for myself.  Indeed, as a youngster, the only time I opened a Bible was to look at the giant family Bible stored in a closet.  The typeface was what I called “holy Gothic,” quite impossible to read.  There also were “sacred pages” where my mother entered important family dates—baptism and confirmation anniversaries, my parents’ wedding anniversary, and dates of the passing of my grandparents.  This Bible was a sacred relic in my family.  It was to be viewed rather than read.
            When I had a conversion experience in my college years, my friend who discipled me those first steps with Christ gave me a “study Bible.”  I began, quite literally, to mark the Scriptures with a yellow highlighter (and then, other colors) to note certain passages that I needed to mark in my heart and mind.  Some verses became “life verses” to return to as reminders of God’s promises to me as a person of faith.  In a daily program of Bible reading, of group Bible studies, and devotional study, I took in all I could get.  I’d been starving spiritually—and now I could not get enough of the true bread by which I could live forever.
            Over the years, I have been on a daily diet of Scripture so that I could fulfill this prayer so that I could embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth truths of God in Christ. 
            Are you hungry also?  Read, learn, mark and inwardly digest the Holy Scriptures.  The only hunger you’ll have is to have another serving.

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